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The cheapest university for transfer of medical studies in Europe

I have received many emails and calls in the last 2 months (I am writing this article at the end of April 2022). When the war in Ukraine broke up, many foreign students from all over the world fled also through Slovakia to return safely back to their homes. These students are now seeking new… Continue reading The cheapest university for transfer of medical studies in Europe

How to transfer medical studies from Hungary

Medical or dentistry studies in Hungary are on a high level and every year, there are hundreds of new students from all over the world to study general medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy or veterinary medicine. Some students may decide after a few semesters, that studies in Hungary are not for them and wish to transfer studies… Continue reading How to transfer medical studies from Hungary

Transfer to medical or dentistry universities – overview (2025 update)

Studies of General medicine and Dental medicine are difficult and many students opt for the option to transfer their studies to different universities in Europe. All renowned Universities in Europe are following the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) that makes completed credit tests and exams recognizable abroad. I have prepared a complete list of universities… Continue reading Transfer to medical or dentistry universities – overview (2025 update)

Transfer of medical studies from Poland to Slovakia

There are many students who wish to transfer their medical studies from Poland abroad. There are thousands of students in Poland from Sweden, Norway, Spain, and Italy. The problem is that young doctors and dentists from Poland must take a 13-months internship after graduation. Afterward, students will do an examination on general knowledge (National medical… Continue reading Transfer of medical studies from Poland to Slovakia

Transfer of medical studies from Czech Republic to UPJS

Czech medical universities have many medical students from all over the world. Every year there are students from Charles University, Palacky University or Masaryk University who decide to leave them for various reasons and continue their studies somewhere else. There is an option to resume studies without the need to pass the same exams again… Continue reading Transfer of medical studies from Czech Republic to UPJS