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Study medicine or dentistry in Croatia

International students can study programs in General medicine or Dentistry in one of the most tourist places in Europe – Croatia. Apart from beautiful sceneries and hotels, Croatia has a lot to offer – and medical education for international students is one of the rich offers. We will describe options for medical education in Croatia,… Continue reading Study medicine or dentistry in Croatia

Interview with Aleksi: the University of Latvia is perfect option for medical students

The University of Latvia is a respected university that offers programs in General medicine and Dental medicine in the English language. There is an international environment where students from Finland, the Middle East, or Asia study internationally recognized programs of General medicine and Dental medicine. Aleksi is a student from Tampere, Finland, who shared his… Continue reading Interview with Aleksi: the University of Latvia is perfect option for medical students

Interview with Bashirat: Medical University of Lodz will guarantee you luxury of choices after graduation

The Medical University of Lodz is a prestigious university located in Poland, offering a 6-year program in General medicine and a 5-year program in Dental medicine. The university has over 25,000 students (including 1800 international students with over 100 students admitted to the 1st year of General medicine) and as per QS ranking it is… Continue reading Interview with Bashirat: Medical University of Lodz will guarantee you luxury of choices after graduation

Interview with Anika: I have never regretted my studies at Riga Stradins University

We had a chance to interview Anika, who is from Finland and is currently studying in the 5th year ar Riga Stradins University. She is a student of General medicine and shares useful tips about the application procedure, accommodation options and quality of teachers. Tell us a little about yourself and where are you studying… Continue reading Interview with Anika: I have never regretted my studies at Riga Stradins University

Study medicine at the School of medicine, the University of Split

The University of Split offers a program of General medicine in the English language. 70 seats are distributed among students from Germany (40 seats) who study for 3 years in Croatia and 3 years in Germany (Regiomed Kliniken) and other international students (30 seats) who study for 6 years in Split. Students have 5500 hours… Continue reading Study medicine at the School of medicine, the University of Split

Deadlines for medical schools in Europe 2022/2023

Attention: this article is about admission to September 2022 intake. Please go to page Application deadlines for medical and dentistry schools – 2023/2024 to get information about admission to September 2023 intake Various medical universities have different deadlines for the submission of applications. I have summarised deadlines for applications, which can be useful, especially in… Continue reading Deadlines for medical schools in Europe 2022/2023

Studying medicine in Cyprus

Studying in Cyprus is getting popular as universities do offer medical programs in English language. I will do note at the beginning that one can refer to universities in Cyprus in two options: the Republic of Cyprus, member of the EU, Schengen and Eurozone (1) or North Cyprus Turkish Republic, which is an area recognized… Continue reading Studying medicine in Cyprus

Where to study medicine abroad?

There are thousands of students who finish secondary school in their home country and face the same problem. Medical universities in Europe have strict rules for admission as places at universities are limited: the usual success rate at home universities of medicine is around 10-25%. There could be other criteria, e.g. giving admission according to… Continue reading Where to study medicine abroad?

Spring intake in medical schools in Europe (February intake)

Medical or dentistry students who were not accepted for the winter intake can still pursue their education by applying for the spring intake at the three universities in the European Union offering the program. These universities are the Riga Stradins University in Latvia, Pleven University in Bulgaria, and the Medical University of Silesia in Poland.… Continue reading Spring intake in medical schools in Europe (February intake)

Situation at medical faculties in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary due to Covid-19

The situation at medical universities in the whole world is very unstable – during summer, numbers of Covid-19 cases were low and universities planned to open their door in September. This changed with the arrival of October when numbers of positive cases and patients hospitalized in clinics went rapidly up. I have taken a look… Continue reading Situation at medical faculties in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary due to Covid-19