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Studying Medicine and Dentistry at Charles University in Hradec Králové

Choosing a medical school is a significant decision that shapes one’s future career in healthcare. Charles University in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, offers an enriching academic experience for students interested in General Medicine and Dentistry. It was founded as the first of the medical faculties immediately after World War II and became part of Charles… Continue reading Studying Medicine and Dentistry at Charles University in Hradec Králové

Application deadlines for medical and dentistry schools – 2025/2026

If you already plan to apply for medical or dentistry studies in Europe, it is vital to know the deadlines for application. While some schools require only online registration and payment of the application fee, other schools do ask for complete documents including the nostrification, original documents, etc. You can check the deadline below and… Continue reading Application deadlines for medical and dentistry schools – 2025/2026

Medical schools in Poland for international students

Poland is a popular destination for international students from all over the world. They offer 2 study programs: General medicine (6-year program – graduates get a degree of MD / Lekarz) and Dental Medicine (5-year program, the graduate gets a degree of DMD / Lekarz dentysta). If you decide to practice in Poland after completion… Continue reading Medical schools in Poland for international students

Medical schools in the Czech Republic for international students

Czech universities have a great reputation in the whole of Europe. Schools like Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University, Palacky University, and Ostrava University are popular also among international students, who wish to study medicine or dentistry abroad. All of them are among the TOP 1000 universities in the world. There are literally students from… Continue reading Medical schools in the Czech Republic for international students

Medical schools in Hungary for international students

Medical programs in Hungary have been established for many years and thanks to student-friendly visa politics, students are coming from all over the world. The general medicine program takes 6 years (12 semesters), and dental medicine takes 5 years (10 semesters). The degree from Hungary is recognized in most countries of the world (automatically in… Continue reading Medical schools in Hungary for international students

Premedical courses for students in the Czech Republic

How to prepare for the entrance exam at medical school? Thousands of students would like to study at medical schools in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, there is only a limited number of places offered for international students, and preparation for the exam sounds like a crucial point in order to get accepted… Continue reading Premedical courses for students in the Czech Republic

Study medicine at the Faculty of medicine in Novi Sad, Serbia

Students from all over the world can study medicine or dentistry also in Serbia. 3 Serbian medical universities offer education in the English language for international students: Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Serbia. We will check the option of Novi Sad Faculty in this article. The school offers programs in General medicine and Dental medicine. They… Continue reading Study medicine at the Faculty of medicine in Novi Sad, Serbia

Study medicine or dentistry in Croatia

International students can study programs in General medicine or Dentistry in one of the most tourist places in Europe – Croatia. Apart from beautiful sceneries and hotels, Croatia has a lot to offer – and medical education for international students is one of the rich offers. We will describe options for medical education in Croatia,… Continue reading Study medicine or dentistry in Croatia

Deadlines for medical schools in Europe 2022/2023

Attention: this article is about admission to September 2022 intake. Please go to page Application deadlines for medical and dentistry schools – 2023/2024 to get information about admission to September 2023 intake Various medical universities have different deadlines for the submission of applications. I have summarised deadlines for applications, which can be useful, especially in… Continue reading Deadlines for medical schools in Europe 2022/2023

Studying medicine in Cyprus

Studying in Cyprus is getting popular as universities do offer medical programs in English language. I will do note at the beginning that one can refer to universities in Cyprus in two options: the Republic of Cyprus, member of the EU, Schengen and Eurozone (1) or North Cyprus Turkish Republic, which is an area recognized… Continue reading Studying medicine in Cyprus