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Admission process for Faculty of medicine in Bratislava, Comenius University (2019/2020)

Another year behind us, another application process is over and… new candidates are lining up to study medicine in Bratislava! It’s great news for all of you interested in pursuing a career in this field. Challenge yourself at the best university in Slovakia – Comenius University in Bratislava. We’ve just started the application process for the 2019/2020 academic year!

Medical programs offered by Faculty of medicine in Bratislava

At Comenius University, you can study two medical programmes in English:

  • General medicine
  • Dental medicine

Both are 6-year long (12 semesters) full time programmes. Every year a limited number of students are accepted. In the 2019/2020 academic year, it is 200 students for general medicine and 35 students for dentistry. Upon the completion of the study programme and the positive final exam result, a graduate will receive an MUDr. or MDDr. degree, Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Dental Medicine respectively.

University in Bratislava is extremely popular among foreigners. There are a lot of students studying here from all over Europe, including Poland, Germany, Italy or Greece.

!!! Qualifications obtained in Slovakia are valid in all European Union countries.,

Entrance Examination

In order to take part in the application process in Bratislava you need to take an entrance examination. The format has not changed since last year.

  • The examination consists of 200 questions – 100 from biology and 100 from
  • There are 4 options and more than one can be true. There can be questions
    with no correct answers at all!
  • The examination is 180 minutes long (3 hours).
  • Calculators cannot be used. All the necessary material, such as pens, draft
    sheets, periodic tables are provided by the university.
  • The maximum score is 800 points. Points are deducted for every wrong
    answer! Admission depends on the results of all students – only those with
    the best scores will be accepted.
  • The examination cost is €80.

Entrance examination dates

  • 24th and 25th of June 2019 (Monday and Tuesday) – documents
    submission deadline – 10.05.2019
  • 15th and 16th of August 2019 (Thursday and Friday) – documents
    submission deadline – 03.07.2019

Contact us for more details: medhead@medhead.eu and we will be happy to answer all your questions

Preparatory questions

It is recommended that you use the official question database when preparing for the entrance examination. You can purchase it through our agency. The cost is 30€ for printed booklets. If you are interested in the electronic version (.pdf), contact us to get further instructions.

!!! A new edition of preparatory booklets has been published. It is valid for the 2019/2020 academic year.

Preparatory material consists of two parts: biology and chemistry. In each of them, you will find 750 questions. There are 1500 questions in total, answer key at the end.
The 200 entrance examination questions come from the database. In the preparatory material, however, there are 8 options for each question! Only 4 of them are randomly chosen and appear on the entrance examination.

Get in touch with us – we will guide you step by step