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Faculty of medicine, University of Pavel Jozef Safarik with a new branch in Prague, Czech Republic

2023 update: the branch of the faculty in Prague did not open its gates yet. Enrollment or transfers are not possible yet. Please follow our website for any updates.

There is interesting news from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavel Jozef Safarik in Kosice, Slovakia. The faculty will open its gates from the academic year 2022/2023 also in Prague, Czech Republic! (precise date to be confirmed)

This makes studies at UPJS more attractive especially for those students, who do not want to travel to Kosice, which is located in eastern Slovakia.

Here is basic information about studies in Prague:

  1. studies will start in the academic year 2022/2023* for the program of General medicine. Approximately 100 students will be accepted. Enrollment will be done in Prague and the start of the semester will be approximately 2 weeks after enrollment in Kosice (precise date to be specified)
  2. Students will attend lectures at the address: U Santošky 17, 150 00, Praha 5. The building of  the  building is below.
  3. The whole curricula is identical with curricula in Kosice. Accreditation is based on the accreditation of Slovak University. there will be Slovak medical degree awarded (MUDr.).
  4. Applicants need to pass an entrance exam to get accepted. It is necessary to specify place where an applicant is intending to study before the exam itself (either Kosice or Prague).
  5. Tuition fees are 15.000€ per academic year /2 semesters. It is possible to pay tuition fees in 2 installments /7500€ before the start of semesters.

The level of studies will be guaranteed by Slovak guarantors. As Slovak universities are popular among German students, this opportunityUniversity hallway in Prague will soon welcome its first UPJS students might be ideal for those, who want to get an internationally recognized degree and would like to study in Prague. There are 3 more medical universities in Prague, but the demand is always prevailing for the number of available spots for students.

Accommodation will be arranged in cooperation with the help of the university or search for private accommodation in flats. From 2022/2023, also private dormitory is planned for 170 students is being planned.

For more information, please contact me by email peter.zavacky@medhead.eu or by whatsupp +420778819055