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Professors Tomáš and Peter Ganz visited Faculty of Medicine in Košice

Faculty of medicine in Košice is educational institution with international connections across the world. Professor_Ganz_Faculty_MedicineThere are not only professors from cooperating universities, who visit Košice´s Faculty, but also descendands of famous inventors in the field of medicine. This time, Faculty hosted extraordinary visit from United States of America – Professors of Medicine, Mr. Tomáš Ganz and Mr. Peter Ganz, whose father was Mr. Viliam Ganz.

For those of you, who have never heard of this name, Mr. Viliam Ganz is inventor of so-called Swan-Ganz catheter, medical tool for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This tool is still used at cardiological centers around the world.

Professor MUDr. Viliam Ganz, PhD., F.A.C.C. – recognized world experts in cardiology, a native of Kosice and graduate high school Kováčska 28, who developed a catheter for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, so-called Swan-Ganz catheter, together with prof. J. Swan, MD.

Besides having conversation with Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Mr. MUDr. Daniel Pella PhD., they held a presentation at occasion of Award ceremony of Student Science Activity. This event was prepared by Associations of Doctors in Košice and attracted attention of plenty of visitors.

Pulmonologist, Mr. Tomas Ganz held a presentation about regulation of metabolism of iron, followed by his brother, cardiologist Mr. Peter Ganz, who examined proteomics of cardiovascular disease and aging.
