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Graduate entry to medicine in Europe (4-years program)

If you finished your bachelor’s studies related to medicine, it is possible to get graduate entry at some universities in Europe. The conditions can change anytime, so it is better to contact the study office / check the last updates on the university website to prevent problems. Options to take 4 years medicine program (sometimes called also MBBS) are UK and Cyprus (Poland is no longer offered)

Update 2022: I have teamed up with “Study in UK” and can now help you with admission to advanced programs in UK 

University of Nicosia – requirements to get accepted for 4 years Mbbs

  • A Bachelor’s degree with at least a 2.1 class honours or equivalent (3.3 GPA in the USA, 3.2 in Canada) or a higher degree (e.g., MSc, MPhil or PhD) in any discipline,
  • Work or voluntary experience in a medical or health-related field, demonstrate a broad awareness of the scope of medicine,
  • Overall score of 57 (with a minimum of 50 in each section) in the Graduate Australian Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT); or a total score of 500 in the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).  Please see the GAMSAT or MCAT websites for further details on how to take these tests (www.gamsatuk.org or www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/).
  • If English was not the primary language during your degree, you must also take the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or equivalent (e.g., TOEFL), an IELTS score of 7.0 overall (with a score of 7.0 in the written element and no less than 6.5 in any other element) or equivalent is required.

Source: https://www.med.unic.ac.cy/admissions/ (under 4 years MBBS)

Graduate entry programs in the United Kingdom

University of Sheffield – September intake – 4 years advanced program


A-Level: BBB including Chemistry or Biology (2022/23 intake)
International Baccalaureate | 32, with 5 in three Higher Level subjects to include Chemistry or Biology
IELTS: Overall score of 6.5 with a minimum 6.0 in each element
Welsh Baccalaureate + 2 A Levels | B + BB, including Chemistry or Biology

Details: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/2022/graduate-entry-medicine-mbchb#entryreqs

King’s College London

  • Entry requirements:
    A minimum 2:1 (upper second class honours) undergraduate degree (or international equivalent) in a Biosciences subjects (Biomedical Sciences Physiology Biochemistry Pharmacology Neuroscience Molecular Genetics Molecular Biology Pharmacy)
  • Applicants must take UCAT test before application in the same year of application
  • Occupational Health clearance
  • Enhanced criminal conviction check

Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL)

Entry requirements:

UCAT – Third decile or above.

Previous Bachelor’s degree: You may apply in the final year of your degree. You must be predicted or have achieved at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in any subject. Degrees are divided into the following categories:

  1.  Bioscience degrees that contain sufficient biology and chemistry. No further A-levels or AS-levels are required.
  2.  Science degrees with no biology or chemistry. Candidates must have minimum grade C in A-level or AS-level biology and/or chemistry (depending on what is missing from your degree).
  1.  Non-science degrees. Candidates must have minimum grade B in A-level or AS-level chemistry or biology, plus another science subject, also at grade B. Accepted science subjects are biology, chemistry, physics, maths and psychology.

English language proficiency
More details: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/undergraduate/coursefinder/courses/2022/medicine—graduate-entry-programme-4-year/

Cardiff University – graduate entry

To be eligible for this program, you must meet all of the following criteria:

– 2:1 for one of these recognized feeder streams or be a graduate of dentistry:

  • BSc (Hons) Medical Pharmacology degree, School of Medicine, Cardiff University (B210)
  • BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences degree, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University (BC97)
  • BMedSci Degree in Medical Sciences from Bangor University (B100)
  • BSc (Hons) Medical Sciences Degree, from the University of South Wales (B901)

– have achieved BBB/ABC at A-level or equivalent including Biology and Chemistry
– have achieved English language or Welsh language at GCSE grade B/6 or an equivalent. If you require a Student visa, you must ensure your language qualification complies with UKVI requirements
– have achieved 8 GCSEs including grade B/6 in GCSE Maths, Biology and Chemistry, or equivalent qualifications (level, subjects and grade)
– show an awareness of the healthcare system in the UK and the nature of the medical training in your personal statement

Admissions Test
You must have taken the GAMSAT within two-years of applying. We don’t have a minimum threshold score; however, we may use UCAT/GAMSAT scores in our application assessment procedure.

If you’d like to progress from one of the feeder streams to the four year graduate entry medicine programme (A101/A102), you will be subject to our admissions criteria in the year you start your officiated feeder course and not the year of entry to the four-year graduate entry medicine programme.

More information: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/2022/medicine-graduate-entry-mbbch

University of Chester – graduate entry

International students – admission requirements:

  • At least a 2:1 Bachelor’s degree in any subject
  • Meeting minimum threshold mark in UCAT (or UCATSEN).
  • IELTS 7.0 (maximum of two band scores at 6.0/6.5)
  • 70 hours work experience in a related field in the 3 years prior to date of application

UK students – admission requirements:

At least a 2:1 honours degree in any subject, or overseas equivalent. Meeting minimum threshold mark in UCAT (or UCATSEN). Meeting minimum English language requirements for the programme.

Source: https://www1.chester.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/graduate-entry-medicine

University of Cambridge

Requirements to apply:

  • the program is open only to students with home status
  • a good Honours degree (2.1 or above) in any discipline
  • passes at A Level (or equivalent) –  most successful applicants typically have at least AAA at A Level or equivalent
  • you must complete a separate Graduate Course in Medicine application form in addition to your UCAS application to apply for this course.
  • To develop understanding of what a career in Medicine involves and your suitability for your intended profession, you are strongly advised (though not required) to undertake some relevant work experience, either paid or voluntary, in a health or social care organisation.

Source: https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses/medicine-graduate-course

University of Nottingham – graduate medicine BMBS

Requirements for EU and international students

IELTS 7.5 (no less than 7.0 in any element)

Specific criteria for various countries: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studywithus/international-applicants/country-info/index.aspx

The University of Oxford – graduated entry accelerated


  • First degree: The course is open only to graduates with a degree class of 2.1 or above (or a GPA above 3.5) in applied and experimental science, including bioscience, chemistry, experimental physics and engineering
  • A levels (or equivalent): In addition to your degree, you must also have passes at A-level of at least AAB with an A or A* in Chemistry (if A-levels taken within last 5 years), of which one must be chemistry (unless you have a chemistry degree). Applicants must also have one from Biology, Physics or Mathematics at A-level. Applicants with a degree in a subject other than bioscience must have a qualification in biology at GCSE or equivalent level.
  • applicants whose English was not the first language are required to submit English proficiency certificate
  • All candidates must take the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) as part of their application and no student is admitted without interview. Successful candidates must meet our requirements for health and fitness to practise.

Source: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses/course-listing/medicine-accelerated

University of Liverpool

Requirements to join the program:

  • a good 2:1 Honours degree in a Biological, Biomedical or Health Science subject
  • The University of Liverpool requires a GAMSAT result as part of the entry requirements for graduates applying to medical programmes. Further details of GAMSAT can be found here: gamsat.acer.edu.au/gamsat-uk.

University of Newcastle

Entry requirements:

  • All candidates are considered on an individual basis and the university accepts a broad range of qualifications.
  • applicants must have achieved, or expect to achieve at least an upper second class Honours degree, or integrated master’s degree, or be a practising health care professional with 3 years post-registration experience in a role with significant patient contact (such as NHS or similar body)
  • applicants whose first language is not English are expected to submit also IELTS 7.0

More information: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/undergraduate/degrees/a101/#contextualWidget

University of Southampton

Requirements to apply for the program in the University of Southampton:

  • only home students are allowed, international students must apply to BM5 and submit also English certificate
  • minimum 18 years old
  •  UCAT test is mandatory until 15th of October
  • applicants are required to achieve an Upper Second-Class Honours (2.1) in their first degree. This must be equivalent to a UK honours degree. The degree can be in any subject and no preference will be given based on the subject taken. Please note there are no A Level requirements for graduate applicants (for BM4 and BM5).

Source: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/courses/medicine-bm4-graduate-entry-degree-bmbs

Swansea University – College of medicine

To apply for the Graduate Entry Medicine Programme at Swansea University, you should:

  • be classed as a ‘home student’ (UK and European Union citizens)
  • be a graduate, or predicted to graduate, with an upper second or first class honours degree in any subject
  • have at least some experience of Biology or Chemistry at post-GCSE (or equivalent) level
  • be able to demonstrate a proficiency in mathematics and English language.
  • have performed satisfactorily in the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT)

If you meet all of the above criteria, then you can apply through UCAS.  Competition for places is fierce, with many applicants having both a good first degree and postgraduate qualifications, but all applications will be treated fairly and individually on their merits.  Approximately 500 applications have been received per year since the programme launched in September 2004 and there are typically only 70 places available.

Source: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/legacy/collegeofmedicine/graduateentrymedicineprogramme/

Warwick Medical School

The schools is requiring the following:

  • you should have, or be expected to achieve, a minimum of an upper second class honours (2:1) degree (or overseas equivalent) in any subject. Candidates with a lower second class degree should hold either a Master’s or a doctoral qualification to be considered for entry to the MB ChB.
  • All applicants must take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) or, if appropriate, the UCATSEN. The exact number of points might be different over the years
  • All applicants must have completed 70 hours of work experience across a minimum of two placements in the last four years (from 16/10/18 to 15/10/22) for 2023 entry. Your work experience must include experience of the healthcare environment, ideally within the NHS, and of direct hands-on care of patients or people with healthcare needs (who are not friends or family members).
  • international applicants must complete the same requirements as UK applicants plus submit the relevant English certificate

Source: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/med/study/ugr/applying/entryreqs

Overview of schools offering graduate entry in the UK:

Source and more information: https://www.themedicportal.com/application-guide/graduate-entry-medicine/

Graduate entry in Poland

Update 2021: There has been a very important policy change regarding graduate-entry medical education in Poland on January 22, 2021: the Joint Council of Rectors of Polish Medical Schools has issued a regulation ending admissions to fast-track medical programs in Poland effective immediately. In consequence we will be offering only one full-length medical program.

Source: https://pums.ump.edu.pl/about-pums/news/227-important-information-for-applicants-to-graduate-entry-md-program.html

Jagiellonian University in Krakow

As per the information above, not offered anymore from 2021.

Students who submit the following documents to the international study office, can get admission:

  1. A document confirming knowledge of English language, provided that secondary education was conducted in a language other than English (e.g. International English Language Testing System- IELTS at least 6.5, Test of English as Foreign Language -TOEFL Paper Based Test at least a 510 points test score and at least 3,5 points from TWE, TOEFL Computer Based Test (TOEFL CBT) at least a 180 points test score and at least 50 points from TSE, TOEFL Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) – at least a 87 points, TOEIC min 700);
  2. University degree diploma (at least Bachelor’s degree) or equivalent;
  3. A high school-leaving examination certificate or diploma of secondary education, which entitles its holder to be considered for admission to medical or dental (MD or DDS) programs in the state it was obtained in;
  4. Certificate of current MCAT or GAMSAT score, passed not earlier than in 2015, with a minimum score for MCAT –498 and GAMSAT – 56;
  5. At least two semesters in each of the following courses, completed during higher education or complimentary education, in agreement with item 2:
    • Biology (at least two semesters),
    • General Chemistry (at least two semesters, including one semester with laboratories),
    • Organic Chemistry (at least two semesters, including one semester with laboratories),
    • Physics (at least two semesters, including one semester with laboratories),
    • a subject from the group of humanities or social sciences (at least two semesters),
    • mathematics (at least two semesters) or one semester of Calculus,
  6. and who take part in an interview.

Source: https://medschool.uj.edu.pl/prospective-students/md-program-for-universitycollege-students/admission-criteria/

Medical University in Lodz 

the program was discontinued: https://studymed.umed.pl/programs/md-advanced-program/

Poznan University of Medical Sciences

Discontinued from 2021.

The four-year M.D. Program of the University is designed for English Speaking college graduates who have completed their premedical education and required courses.

The following courses must have been completed satisfactorily:

  • General Chemistry I+II (including lab) – 1 Year
  • Organic Chemistry I+II (including lab) – 1 Year
  • General Biology I+II (Including lab) – 1 Year
  • Physics I+II – (Including lab) – 1 Year
  • English – 1 Year

Required Application Documents:

  1. Completed Online Application Click Here for https://applicant.ump.edu.pl
  2. Non-refundable interview fee of $300 made payable to “Poznan University of Medical Sciences”
  3. Official Transcripts received directly from your University
  4. One Letters of Recommendation from Science Faculty.
  5. Copy of Passport
  6. Poznan University Health Certificate (Completed by your Physician)
  7. 3 Passport size photos (Please sign and print your name on the back)
  8. MCAT Scores sent directly form AAMC using the THx system. MCAT must be taken no earlier than 2012 .
  9. Immunization or Vaccination Record with Hepatitis B
  10. Diploma ( Original diploma or copy certified by a Polish Consulate or Notary Public) If your degree has not yet been completed you may send your diploma once it is received.
  11. MCAT scores: If you are a U.S. or Canadian citizen or permanant resident or you have completed your Degree at a US or Canadian University or College MCAT scores are required within the last 3 years. Students from outside the US or Canada who have not taken the MCAT must have taken either the UKCAT or GAMSAT.  The minimum requirements are as follows:
    1. MCAT: 490 for the new test, 22 for the pre-2015 version.
    2. UKCAT: average score of 575
    3. GAMSAT: minimum overall score: 45 and minimum 40 in each section
  12. All 4 Year MD program applicants must sit for an internal science quiz

Students attending schools at which they have the option of enrolling in courses for a letter (or numerical) grade or on a pass-fail basis, are encouraged not to enroll on a pass-fail basis in the above courses. The University does not require that applicants major in a particular field. In fact, the University seeks individuals with broad educational backgrounds. Nevertheless, each candidate must demonstrate a record of academic achievement. Ability to master scientific concepts and employ them with confidence is essential for success in this program. In this connection.

Apart from these academic characteristics, the Admissions Committee recognizes a responsibility to consider applicants as individuals; particularly in the evaluation of the breadth of their educational experience, their personality traits, maturity level, and appropriate motivation and commitment to a career in medicine.

The University also conducts “preliminary interviews” of students contemplating medical school. Specific actions and courses which enhance applications in the future are discussed with the admissions staff. Furthermore, previously unsuccessful candidates for medical school may wish to take advantage of this service to solicit advice in the improvement of their applications.

Of particular importance to some applicants, is the early admissions procedure (EAP) according to which candidates may apply for early acceptance on a preferred basis. Successful candidates in this ongoing procedure may reserve their place in the class commencing in the following September, thus eliminating a great deal of uncertainty in their academic plans and prospects.

Source: http://www.mdprogram.com/medical-programs-4-year-md.php

Graduate entry in Bosnia

American North West University

The private university in Bosnia (not member of the European Union) called American Northwest University runs 4-years program in city Travnik. The program is designed especially for US candidates.

More details: https://anu.edu.ba/4-year-program/