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Dentistry students of Faculty of Medicine in Košice prepared St. Nicolaus surprice for children

Dentistry students organized unusual St. Nicolaus event for children in University Hospital of Pavol Jozef Safarik University on 6th and 7th December 2016. Every child who visited the Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery on Tuesday or Wednesday, could attend short instructing in teeth cleaning performed St. Nicholas, the Devil and the Angel. All these roles were represented by members of the Slovak Association of students of dentistry in Košice.
“For each child, we have also prepared a special St. Nicolaus package. This package is special. Why? Because unlike standard packages from St. Nicolaus, this package will keep your teeth healthy and clean, not dirty. Our main goal was to create a friendly atmosphere for children visiting our University. We wanted to explain them how to do proper teeth hygiene and oral care that can prevent tooth decay. The first edition of this event was a great success with children and their parents. We hope that such action will become a tradition for the two clinics,” said the student of 3rd year of medical school UPJŠ Miroslav Pažur.