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Important updates about the entrance examination in Kosice 2018

Do you plan to study medicine or dentistry in Košice, Slovakia? Do you plan to apply in academic year 2018/2019? We have important information for you then!

As there are still more and more international students applying every year for studying in Kosice, your competition is getting bigger! You may have a great advantage over others if you watch this video and follow all instructions mentioned in it.

The format for the entrance examination in Kosice remains the same: there are 600 questions from biology and 600 questions from chemistry provided by the university. If you use only these questions for preparation and spend reasonable time for preparation, your chances of being accepted are over 95%. Questions are multiple choice tests with 8 possible answers.

Now comes the important part: The Faculty of medicine in Kosice will choose 100 questions from biology and 100 questions from chemistry from these databases. It is important to know, that questions at the entrance examination have only 4 possible options – not 8.

There are points for each correct sub-answer.

To give you an example: if they correct answers for a question is A B D and you mark A B, you obtain 3 points – because option C was not correct and you did not choose it.

If there is no correct answer and you do not mark anything, you get 4 points.

It is easy 🙂

The maximum number of points for the entrance examination is 800. The acceptance level for students in academic year 2018/2019 is 600 points – this means 75% points. This represents a minor increase of 5% – as the level in the previous year was 555 points – 70%. This level may be lowered – you should follow our website for updates.

Let’s move to the details of the entrance examination itself.

There will be 2 terms of the entrance examinations in Kosice: 20th of June 2018 and 16th of August 2018

You need to register minimum 3 weeks before the entrance examination itself.

There are various documents to submit and no place to make any mistake. We will be glad to offer you an assistance – completely for free!

Let’s move to details – after you submit all required documents, you will receive an invitation letter for the entrance examination. Print the invitation letter and don’t forget ID card or passport.

You will get one answer sheet – be careful before you mark any answer because if you make any mistake there is no way back! A good alternative may be to use pencil and erase the wrong answer afterwards.

You will receive the results on the same day (latest on the next day) with a decision of the dean. You may take the entrance examination in Kosice only once.

Deadlines for entrance examinations are getting closer – contact us at medhead@meadhed.eu or give us a call. We will be happy to help you!