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Admission process for Faculty of medicine in Kosice 2019/2020 (Pavel Jozef Safarik University)

We just finished the application process for the 2018/2019 academic year, and you can already apply for next year´s recruitment (2019/2020). As usual, we would like to remind you that it is extremely important to make a decision about participating in the application process early enough. Thorough exam preparation requires a lot of time, which… Continue reading Admission process for Faculty of medicine in Kosice 2019/2020 (Pavel Jozef Safarik University)

Staff of the Faculty of medicine (Pavol Jozef Safarik University) conducted breakthrough diagnosis of Parkinson´s disease

The staff at the Neurological Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafarik University and University hospital of Louis Pasteur informed about a breakthrough research on early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. It helps to diagnose the occurrence of characteristic disorders of the momentum in patients, for example at an earlier… Continue reading Staff of the Faculty of medicine (Pavol Jozef Safarik University) conducted breakthrough diagnosis of Parkinson´s disease

Faculty of Medicine UPJS in Kosice hosts an exhibition about Jan Selye, pioneer of stress research

Faculty of Medicine of University of Pavel Jozef Safarik, Regional medical association in Kosice and Association of medical students in Kosice officially launched an exhibition about Jan Selye, pioneer of stress research. His full name was Hans Hugo Bruno Selye was Canadian Physician, biologist, chemist and endocrinologist with both Hungarian and Austrian origin, but his ancestors… Continue reading Faculty of Medicine UPJS in Kosice hosts an exhibition about Jan Selye, pioneer of stress research

Faculty of Medicine in Kosice equipped its department with professional tools

The Faculty of medicine in Kosice announced next big investment in improvement of its teaching facilities and treating of patient. New simulators, models and other professional equipment have been purchased by the Institute of of Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine in Košice UPJŠ. These investments was made within a program the Knowledge Society. This is… Continue reading Faculty of Medicine in Kosice equipped its department with professional tools