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Košice medical university - UPJS

Košice medical university - UPJS

The Faculty of Medicine, UPJS offers medical programs in General medicine and Dental medicine in the English language. The faculty is located in Kosice, Slovakia. English study programs run since 1992. The University runs under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation (ECTS) which makes achieved degree automatically recognised in the European Union and most countries of the world. We are official representative of the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik since 2014.

Study programs at the Faculty of Medicine in Kosice

There are 2 study programs for international students: General medicine and Dental medicine.

General medicine is an undergraduate program taught in the English language. The study of General Medicine lasts for 6 years (12 semesters) and graduates are awarded degrees: Doctor of General Medicine (MUDr.). During these 6 years, students obtain adequate theoretical knowledge of practical, pre-clinical, and clinical subjects. In practical training, students learn basic preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. Tuition fees are 13.000€ (since 2025/2026) with an annual increase of 500€ each year and can be paid in 2 installments.

Curricula of studies General medicine: https://www.upjs.sk/app/uploads/sites/9/2024/06/GM-1.pdf

Dental medicine is a second undergraduate study program offered for international students. It lasts 6 years (or 12 semesters) and graduates are awarded degrees: Doctor of Dental Medicine. Stress is put on the practical skills of students, so they can perform basic stomatology procedures on their own after graduation. Compared to the program of General medicine, 35 students are accepted. Tuition fees are 13.500€ per academic year (since 2025/2026) with an annual increase of 500€.

Curricula of studies Dental medicine: https://www.upjs.sk/app/uploads/sites/9/2024/06/DM.pdf

Admission to medical university in Kosice

The admission is based on passing the entrance exam in Biology and Chemistry. Everyone who reaches 570 points out of 800, will get admission to the University (remaining students will be on the waiting list). Admission criteria are based completely on the multiple-choice entrance exam. The entrance exam is onsite (in person), so students must attend it physically. You can sit the exam either at the Faculty of medicine in Kosice in June and August, or attend entrance exam organized by Medhead on the 23rd of August 2025 in Krakow (Poland), the 30th of August 2025 in Warsaw (Poland) or the 28th of August 2025 in Oslo (Norway).

The entry test consists of 100 questions from Biology and 100 questions from Chemistry. The test is multiple choice and for every question, a maximum of 4 points may be given to the applicant. For the wrong answer, there is no deduction of points. Applicants may score a maximum of 800 points – they need 570 points to pass the exam. All questions are from one databank, which can be bought from my agency as well. Furthermore, you do not need to wait for your results: you get information on whether you are accepted or not, usually within 3-4 working days.

We offer online preparatory courses in biology and chemistry that will prepare you not only for the entrance exam test but also for subjects in the 1st year of your studies.

Test your knowledge by filling out quick tests in Biology and Chemistry and see your chances for admission to Medical University in Kosice

Application documents for the Faculty of Medicine in Kosice

Here are the documents you need to submit:

  • Filled and signed application form (original must be delivered to the Study office)
  • Signed registration form for a precise date when you wish to sit an entrance test (original letter)
  • Medical confirmation about your physical and mental ability to study. This document cannot be older than 3 months and should be issued from your general practitioner (original letter)
  • A scan of your passport or ID.
  • Receipt of payment of 30€ for application procedure: you can pay the amount either as a bank transfer or with a credit card.
  • Copy of school leaving certificate – the certificate must be certified by a Slovak notary and other public institutions.

Preparatory course in Biology and Chemistry for Medical University in Kosice

Do you want to prepare properly for the entrance exam for Medical University in Kosice? We have prepared unique preparatory course in Biology and Chemistry (35 hours each) that will help you to pass entrance exam and subjects in the first semester. The course has been prepared by the experienced team of tutors from Namedicinu.sk who help hundreds of international students to study medicine and dentistry in Slovakia and Czech Republic.

You can check the course by clicking on the link (special discount provided by Medhead): www.premedicalcourse.com

Dates of entrance exams in academic year 2025/2026

Applicants have the opportunity to write entrance exams both in Kosice (organized by the Medical Univerity in Kosice) or abroad (organised by agencies).

You can apply for the following dates of entrance exams for academic year 2025/2026:

  • 18th of June 2025 – Place of exam: Trieda SNP 1, Faculty of Medicine UPJS, Kosice, Slovakia
  • 13th of August 2025 – Place of exam: Trieda SNP 1, Faculty of Medicine UPJS, Kosice, Slovakia
  • 23th of August 2025 – Place of exam: Krakow, Poland (the exam is organized by Medhead)
  • 28th of September 2025 – Place of exam: Oslo, Norway (the exam is organized by Medhead)
  • 30st of August 2025 – Place of exam: Warsaw, Poland (the exam is organized by Medhead)

International students at the Faculty of Medicine in Kosice

There are over 1200 international students at the Faculty of Medicine in Kosice (they form around 50% of all medical students). Students come from all over the world: Germany, Poland, Greece, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, but also from Canada, the US, and India. Students form groups of 10-15 people, in which they attend seminars and practicals and are free to ask anything teachers. The classes and practicals are completely taught in the English language. Apart from education, students can use also services of counseling – legal counseling, psychological counseling (difficulties with studies, coping with burden situations, psychological difficulties) or social counseling. Students can book their slot and come for the meeting with a counselor.

Study transfers to the Faculty of Medicine in Kosice

There are students, who are not satisfied with their current university and wish to change it. The Faculty in Kosice has friendly approach toward international students and allows study transfers up to 4th years (respectively at least 180 ECTS credits must be achieved at UPJS). The most important rule is that students need to pass an entrance exam and then ask for recognition of completed courses from their previous University. My experience is that 80% of transfer students get the year they wish for – you can check the overview of my recent cases.

Recent changes in rules brought the following changes to recognition rules: The faculty of medicine in Kosice will no longer accept subjects completed online in countries outside of the EU, Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and South Korea will not be recognized. Students who complete their education in countries outside of the EU, Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and South Korea will not be recognized without any exception and will be considered on an individual basis and their education might be recognized only exceptionally.

There are a few important rules to remember:

  • you can ask for recognition only for courses completed in the last 5 years
  • if you passed all exams in your previous University and you are currently still a student, you can ask for a direct transfer without an entrance exam
  • you need to obtain the curriculum of completed subjects and transcript of records from your home university stamped by the study office (both documents must be submitted as originals or notary copies)
  • the last date to submit papers for recognition is the end of August

There is a lot of paperwork needed to make the transfer possible. If you need help with it, please email me at medhead@medhead.eu

Scholarships for international students

There are various scholarships for students: based on your good study results (you must be among the best 10% of students), based on the great representation of Faculty at conferences or sports competitions, and social scholarship. Concrete sums of the scholarship vary from year to year, so we advise you to ask the International Study Department.

Procedures after passing the entrance exam

Now imagine the situation: you just passed the entrance exam and are almost a student of the faculty. What should you do after coming to Kosice?

Firstly, enrollment to Faculty is the most important of course. During enrollment, you are about to choose your subjects for the first year of your study (with a minimum of 40 credits, optimally 60 credits).

Secondly, do not forget to pay tuition fees by the end of August – otherwise, you can not be enrolled in the Faculty (receipt of payment is one of the required documents from the enrollment day).

Thirdly, the Faculty of Medicine is organizing information days for freshers. You can get plenty of information about the organization of study, the faculty itself, or your duties in upcoming semesters there. Make sure to attend it.

Fourthly, do not forget to arrange accommodation. As there was a hike in demand for dormitory applications, the university now asks admitted students to apply for dormitory via an electronic system. The sooner you apply for a dormitory in Popradska, the better chances you have of getting a bed.

Fifthly, every international student in Slovakia must be insured by commercial insurance. For citizens from the European Union, there is a so-called European health card, that covers urgent cases also in Slovakia. For students from outside of the Schengen Area, I suggest taking 12 monthly insurance contracts from Axa Insurance company for 276€. Check prices for Axa insurance for students.

Sixthly, students must do nostrification (recognition of completed studies from his/her secondary studies). This procedure requires an experienced agent as recognition takes 2-3 weeks and must be completed before enrollment.

And lastly: Register at Foreign Police – everyone who stays longer than 3 months in Slovakia must be registered at Foreign Police. The problem is, that usually, people at the police do not speak the English language. This applies also to EU students, which you can find useful in situations when only citizens or people with registered residency in Slovakia may enter Slovakia.

How can MedHead help you?

Applying for medicine can be stressful. Here are the services that we offer to our applicants for medical university in Kosice:

  1. Preparation for entrance examination: we will provide you with a database of questions for an entrance examination.
  2. Personal assistance: We will assist you in person when you come to Košice for an entrance examination

  3. Flat searching: We will help you to find a flat in Košice in case you do not want to live in a dormitory.

  4. Insurance arrangement: As every foreigner must be insured when living abroad, we can mediate your insurance

  5. Nostrification: We help you with recognition of your school leaving the document which needs to be done before enrollment

  6. Bank account and SIM card: Bank account is a must because you will need it when paying rent, withdrawing money from ATM, or paying for beer contactless. We will assist you when you go to the bank. We will suggest also the best mobile operator.

  7. Assistance at Foreign police: everyone from the EU, who stays in Slovakia, must register with the Foreign police. The problem is, those police clerks usually do not speak English or German.

The price is set up individually, so make sure to contact me (peter.zavacky@medhead.eu) or call us


The application fee is 30€ and is non-refundable.

How does entrance exam looks like?

The entrance exam consists of 100 questions from biology and 100 questions from chemistry. It is multiple choice test with 4 options (0-4 answers can be correct)

We organise entrance exam on the 7th of September 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. You need to register at least 10 days in advance for this exam.  

We offer preparatory course in Biology and Chemistry in English language. There are 50 hours of classes from Chemistry and 50 hours in Biology. Contact us for more details.

You can take part for entrance exams on 19th of June 2024 and 14th of August 2024. Apart from them, we also organise entrance exams in Krakow, Warsaw and Budapest in August and September. 

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