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Faculty of Medicine Bratislava, Comenius University

Faculty of Medicine Bratislava, Comenius University

The Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is part of Comenius University, the oldest university in Slovakia. The Faculty offers programs in General medicine (6 years, 12.200€ per year) and Dental medicine (6 years, 13.800€ per year). The degree from Comenius University is internationally recognized, level of instruction is the English language. The admission is performed online with multiple choice test in Biology and Chemistry.

Basic details about the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University

The Faculty was established in 1919 and is the oldest faculty of Comenius University. It has educated over 17.000 medical professionals at all 3 levels (Bachelor, Master, and Integrated studies). The majority of international students come from Germany, Austria, Poland, Israel, and Greece. The faculty cooperates with all public and private hospitals in Bratislava. The Faculty is involved in the Erasmus+ program, the Slovak-American Academic Cooperation Program, and cooperation with the University of Michigan.

Study programs at the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava

The Faculty of Medicine offers 2 study programs for international students: General medicine and Dental medicine. The required level of graduates’ ability and knowledge are by the Regulation of the Council of member states of EU No. 78/686/EEC accepted by ME SR. Both are recognized internationally and offered to students with completed high school (high school marks are not taken into consideration). The basic rule for admission is passing the entrance exam which takes an online form via Scio.cz.

Admission procedure at the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava

The Entrance examination is performed online for all applicants in 2024/2025. Applicants need to submit the required documents in the online form, sit an exam (there are special days for General medicine and special days for Dental medicine), and wait for the result. There are 100 questions from Biology and 100 questions from Chemistry with 4 options. The applicant gets 1 point for each correct sub-answer (maximum 4 points per question, 800 points per test). The test takes 150 minutes (2,5 hours) and can be done only once. There are negative points for incorrect sub answer. Applicant must obtain at least 440 points (out of 800) to get accepted. The level can be lowered when a sufficient number of applicants do not achieve the minimum number for admission.

Registration documents for the entrance exam

Applicants need to submit the following documents to register for entrance exam:

  • Application form for each study program separately – generated in online form
  • Copy of passport or ID card
  • Doctor confirmation that the applicant is suitable for medical studies
  • Receipt of payment of 95€ application fee
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) –official translation into the Slovak language. In the case that the applicant does not have the Original of GCSE issued by the Secondary school, it is necessary to submit an Official Confirmation from the Secondary school about the successful graduation of the Secondary school with the date, stamp and signature from the director of the secondary school.
  • Certificate about vaccination against hepatitis B – a copy of the document without verification

Booklets for the entrance exam

Databanks with questions contain 750 questions from biology (each has 8 options) and 750 questions from chemistry (each question has 8 options). The entrance examination test contains 100 random questions from biology and 100 randomly selected questions from chemistry, where each question has only 4 possible answers. Applicants may score a maximum of 800 points, with a deduction for incorrect sub-answers. Databanks can be purchased in PDF or paper format from the University or our agency.

Dates of entrance exams for General and Dental medicine

Students can choose among three possible dates:

  • 25th of March (General medicine) and 26th of March (Dental medicine) 2025 – the deadline for registration is the 6th of March 2025
  • 13th of August (General medicine) and 14th of August (Dental medicine) 2025 – the deadline for registration is 24th of July 2025

Preparatory course for entrance exam

The Faculty offers free preparatory courses for applicants. The only requirement is the submission of complete application in the university system and payment of the application fee of 95€. There are 4 hours of Biology classes and 4 hours of Chemistry classes on each day. The price of preparatory course is 200€, preparatory documents in value of 95€ are included.

The Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava offers preparatory courses for all applicants who submit applications. The preparatory courses take place in 2 pathways:
1st pathway: 22nd of February, 1st of March, 8th of March and 1th of March
2nd pathway: 31st of May, 7th of June, 14th of June and 21st of June.

The format of courses is the following: 3 hours (3×60=180 minutes) are presentations and 4th hour is focused on the analysis of correct answers in tests. There will be also short test before 2nd, 3rd, and 4th day to test applicant’s knowledge of chemistry and biology.

Students will study the following areas from biology: cell, molecular biology, genetics, physiology and anatomy. The recommended literature is Catch Up Biology: For Medical Sciences by Philip Bradley and Jane Calvert. Chemistry lessons will cover the following areas: general chemistry, reactions of organic compounds, natural substances and metabolism.

Transfer of international students to the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava

Students who would like to continue their studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava, Comenius University must pass an entrance exam and ask for recognition of completed subjects. The basic rule is that completed subjects might be a maximum of 7 years old, the mark can be A-D and there must have been ECTS credits awarded. Students must complete at least 180 credits at the Faculty of Medicine, so the maximum transfer year is 4th. Students cannot skip year (e.g. if they studied 3rd year at a different university, they can be enrolled maximum to 3rd year in Bratislava).

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