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European University Cyprus, Nicosia

European University Cyprus, Nicosia

European University Cyprus (EUC) is a private university that offers programs of General Medicine (6-year integrated study program), Dental Surgery (5-years Bachelor’s degree) and Doctor of Veterinary medicine (Bachelor degree) in English. The University runs under the ECTS system and is accredited by the Cyprus Ministry of Education. Medical study programs are offered by the School of Medicine and School of Dentistry. The University is part of the Laureate network. The University has 23500 graduates, 8400 employees and 7500 active students. As Cyprus is part of the European Union, qualification from EUC is automatically recognised in EU and EEA. The University has branches for medical programs in Nicosia (Cyprus) and Frankfurt (Germany).

Study program of General medicine

General Medicine consists of 12 semesters, which are distributed in 6 years. Teaching is in English and students must obtain at least 360 ECTS credits. Thanks to the fact, that the University runs under the European Credit Transfer System, degrees from its Faculties are internationally recognized and students do not need to take any additional exams if they wish to work in countries of the European Union. Tuition fees are 21000€ per year of studies.

Study Program of Dental Surgery

The Bachelor program of Dental Surgery is offered for international students and takes 5 years to complete (300 ECTS). Curricula is shaped according to European and North America dental education standards. The Department of Dentistry, School of Medicine is a member of ADEE. Most graduates can work in their private clinics or private or public hospitals and community clinics. Graduates can specialize in various disciplines such as oral surgery, restorative dentistry, pediatric dentistry or orthodontics. The tuition fees are 21000€ per year of studying. Graduates can continue to Master’s program Orthodontics offered by the School of Dentistry (3 years, 50.000€ per year).

Admission procedure to European University Cyprus

Applicants at medical programs do not need to take traditional entrance examinations. Instead, the most important factors for being admitted as a student are academic results from secondary school, academic skills and activity, extracurricular activities, good knowledge of the English language, and motivation letter.

Application documents for EUC admission

Here is the list of documents, that are needed for a successful application at the Faculty of Medicine European University Cyprus

  • Completed application form,
  • Official copy of school leaving certificate together with mark sheet of secondary school records. Marks must correspond to 90% or above or its equivalent in high school leaving certificate.
  • Proof of English language skills, which states good knowledge of the English language from applicant. If you want to be considered an applicant, your average grade must correspond to 90% or above or its equivalent in your high school leaving certificate. Marksheet must prove, that you passed Biology and one more subject (Chemistry, Math or Physics) in your country’s national exams. Otherwise, you will need to pass GCE A levels in the respective subject or its equivalent.
  • Letter of recommendation from a teacher at high school or professor at University. This paper must be certified by a school or university.
  • Personal statement, which covers topics such as motivation, goals or previous education.
  • One passport photography
  • Copy of ID card or passport
  • Receipt of payment of application fee (52€)

About European University Cyprus

European University of Cyprus was established in 1961 (former Cyprus College) and joined the Laureate network in 2005. Status of University was awarded to EUC in 2007. Today the University consists of the following faculties: the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the school of Arts and Education Sciences, the School of Science, the School of Business Administration, The School of Law, the School of Medicine (a program of General medicine), the School of Dentistry (a program of Dental Surgery) and School of Veterinary medicine (Bachelor in Veterinary medicine, 300 ECTS, 5-years). Nowadays, more than 7500 students are studying at the European University of Cyprus. Majority of students come from Cyprus and Greece, but there are over 90 nationalities studying at EUC.

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